Site Overlay


Web design encom­pass­es many dif­fer­ent skills and dis­ci­plines in the pro­duc­tion and main­te­nance of web­sites. The dif­fer­ent areas of web design include web graph­ic design; inter­face design; author­ing, includ­ing stan­dard­ised code and pro­pri­etary soft­ware; user expe­ri­ence design; and search engine opti­miza­tion. Often many indi­vid­u­als will work in teams cov­er­ing dif­fer­ent aspects of the design process, although some design­ers will cov­er them all.[1] The term web design is nor­mal­ly used to describe the design process relat­ing to the front-end (client side) design of a web­site includ­ing writ­ing mark up. Web design par­tial­ly over­laps web engi­neer­ing in the broad­er scope of web devel­op­ment. Web design­ers are expect­ed to have an aware­ness of usabil­i­ty and if their role involves cre­at­ing mark up then they are also expect­ed to be up to date with web acces­si­bil­i­ty guidelines.