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##Image Editing

Image edit­ing encom­pass­es the process­es of alter­ing images, whether they are dig­i­tal pho­tographes, tra­di­tion­al pho­to­chem­i­cal pho­tographs, or illus­tra­tions. Tra­di­tion­al ana­log image edit­ing is known as pho­to retouch­ing, using tools such as an air­brush to mod­i­fy pho­tographs, or edit­ing illus­tra­tions with any tra­di­tion­al art medi­um. Graph­ic soft­ware pro­grams, which can be broad­ly grouped into vec­tor graph­ics edi­tors, raster graph­ics edi­tors, and 3D mod­el­ers, are the pri­ma­ry tools with which a user may manip­u­late, enhance, and trans­form images. Many image edit­ing pro­grams are also used to ren­der or cre­ate com­put­er art from scratch.